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Professor Z.J. Pudlowski, congratulating Professor L. Nyka, on her appointment.


Professor Z.J. Pudlowski (l) presenting Associate Professor S. Avsec
with his diploma.







  11 September 2019

The famous Olive Garden rooftop restaurant at the Titania Hotel in Athens was the venue for the Seminar’s gala banquet, held on Wednesday, 11 September 2019. The WIETE Director, Professor Zenon J. Pudlowski, announced the appointment of Professor Lucyna Nyka, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology (FA-GUT), Gdańsk, Poland, as one of the Vice-Presidents of the WIETE International Academic Advisory Committee (WIETE-IAAC). Although only a member for a short period, Professor Nyka has been a strong supporter of WIETE’s international network and instigated the partnership agreement between the WIETE and the FA-GUT. She has already attended two WIETE conferences and has published several papers on architecture engineering education. Professor L. Nyka also had surprise gifts for Professor Pudlowski: a Commemorative Medal of Gdańsk University of Technology, with the certificate signed by the University Rector, Professor Krzysztof Wilde; and a Commendation to the WIETE Director Professor Z.J. Pudlowski issued by the FA-GUT. The top picture shows Professor L. Nyka being congratulated on her appointment by Professor Z.J. Pudlowski.

An active member and strong supporter of the WIETE, Associate Professor, Stanislav Avsec, Head of the Department of Physics and Technical Studies at the University of Ljubljana, was recently elected a WIETE fellow, and on this occasion was presented with his diploma by the WIETE Director. The citation in the Diploma states that the recipient of this highest WIETE honour received it recognition of his distinguished contributions to engineering and technology education, outstanding achievements in the globalisation of engineering and technology education through the activities of the WIETE, and, in particular, for exceptional service to the WIETE.

Members of the WIETE would like to congratulate Associate Professor Avsec on the award and wish him continuing success with his excellent input to the world of engineering and technology, and to thank him wholeheartedly for his notable contribution to the life and activities of the WIETE. The bottom picture shows Associate Professor S. Avsec being presented with his diploma by Professor Z.J. Pudlowski.