The meeting of the WIETE InternationalAcademic Advisory Committee(WIETE-IAAC) held on Monday, 17 February 2014, commenced the 5th WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, hosted by the Cinnamon Residence in Bangkok, Thailand. Discussions led to the appointment of Professor Andrew Nafalski of the University of South Australia (UniSA), Adelaide, Australia, as the third President of the WIETE-IAAC. The new President will be assisted by three Vice-Presidents: Professor George Metaxas of the Technological Education Institute of Piraeus, Piraeus-Athens, Greece and Director of the Mediterranean Centre for Engineering and Technology Education (MCETE); Professor David W.S. Tai of the College of Management at HungKuang University, Taichung, Taiwan; and Professor Promod Vohra, Dean of the College of Engineering and Engineering Technology at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, USA. The Immediate Past-President of WIETE-IAAC (President between 2010 and 2014) is Professor Adinarayana Kalanidhi, Vice-Chairman of the Commonwealth Science and Technology Academy for Research (C-STAR), Chennai, India. The Inaugural President of WIETE-IAAC (2009 - 2010) is Professor Derek O. Northwood of the University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Dr Dianne Q. Nguyen is the Academic Secretary of the WIETE-IAAC.
The Opening Ceremony of the 5th WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education was held on Tuesday, 18 February 2014. Professor Zenon J. Pudlowski, the WIETE Director and Conference General Chairman, presented an introductory address and chaired the Ceremony. Then, the newly appointed President of the WIETE-IAAC, Professor Andrew Nafalski presented an opening welcome to the participants and guests, with Professor David W.S. Tai, a Vice-President of the WIETE-IAAC, reinforcing the welcome in his address.
Professor Dieter Schott of Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design, Wismar, Germany, presented the opening address: Signal reconstruction - a project for students of electrical engineering, which fell well within the chosen Conference theme of Student-centred Engineering and Technology Education,and generated useful discussion.
The picture shows Professor Andrew Nafalski, President of the WIETE-IAAC, delivering his welcome address.