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The picture shows Professor A. Nafalski.

The picture presents Professor A. Kalanidhi.

The picture shows Professor Robert Špaček.

Professor Sabina Kuc chairing the Opening Addresses Session.

  20 February 2017

With preliminary registrations, the 8th WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, under the overarching theme Bringing Engineering and Technology Educators Togethercommenced at Cinnamon Residence in Bangkok, Thailand on 20 February and continued until 24 February 2017.

About thirty WIETE members, associates and sympathisers registered to attend the Conference, with over twenty attending. As in previous years, the Opening Ceremony was held on the second day of the Conference that is on Tuesday, 21 February 2017, with the WIETE Director, Professor Zenon J. Pudlowski presiding. Welcome speeches were delivered by Professor Andrew Nafalski of the University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, President of the WIETE-IAAC; Professor Adinarayana Kalanidhi, Vice-Chairman of the Commonwealth Science and Technology Academy for Research (C-STAR), Chennai, India, the Immediate Past-President of WIETE-IAAC; and Professor Robert Špaček, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, Vice-President, WIETE-IAAC. Subsequently, these three senior members of the WIETE executive delivered their opening addresses, with Professor Sabina Kuc of Cracow University of Technology, Poland, presiding over the Opening Addresses Session.