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Prof. Ľ. Vitková (r) receives her WIETE Fellowship diploma.






  21 February 2018

The Conference Banquet of the 9th WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education was held at Cinnamon Residence on 21 February 2018. Professor Ľubica Vitková, Dean, Faculty of Architecture at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia was presented with her diploma, certifying her election as a WIETE Fellow.

On the recommendation of the Executive of the WIETE International Academic Advisory Committee (WIETE-IAAC), a Fellowship membership grade was established in February 2012. This is the WIETE’s highest grade of membership and is awarded to prominent academics with an international involvement in engineering and technology education. This time, distinguished Slovak academic and internationally renowned architect Professor Ľubica Vitková, was elected to be a WIETE Fellow, and was presented with her diploma by Professor Zenon J. Pudlowski, WIETE Director.

The citation mentioned that the recipient of this highest WIETE honour received it ... in recognition of her distinguished contributions to engineering and technology education, outstanding achievements in the globalisation of engineering and technology education through the activities of the WIETE, and, in particular, for exceptional service to the WIETE.

In congratulating Professor Ľubica Vitková on this award, we have to stress that she is the only twelfth recipient of the WIETE Fellowship. We believe that she will continue her success with her strong input to global engineering and architecture education, as well as providing her unequivocal support to the WIETE and its activities.