In their first international engagement after a long break caused by Covid-19, on
4 June 2023, WIETE Directors met in Kraków, Poland, with two senior Executive Management members of Cracow University of Technology (CUT), Kraków, Poland - Professor Andrzej Szarata, Rector (Vice-Chancellor) and Professor Magdalena Kozień-Woźniak, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture.
Discussions over a working dinner were far-ranging, starting with current challenges faced by universities on the national and international arena, through more focused issues regarding the CUT, to very specific issues of research outputs, publication choices and opportunities. A new and intensified approach to the partnership between the WIETE and the Faculty of Architecture, a long-standing partner institution of the WIETE was also discussed, particularly in the context of raising the international profile of the CUT, which is one of the focus areas of the current leadership. The University recognises the critical importance of research into engineering and architecture education, and the resulting publication output and citation yield in Scopus-indexed international journals. High on the agenda is the necessity of additional training for junior staff and postgraduate students in this area with a view to improving the acceptance of article proposals by publishers.
It is envisaged that a presentation/small-format, interactive workshop concerning the issues of publishing in the WIETE international journals will be organised in the last week of June.