Submitting articles

Send articles to be considered for inclusion to the Editor-in-Chief. Original articles (i.e. not previously published) will be considered for publication. In submitting the articles, authors are required to transfer copyright to the publisher. Contributions other than academic articles are also welcome, e.g. Reviews, Policy Statements and Letters to the Editor. All contributions must be in English. Articles also should include an abstract of about 160 words.

The publisher’s policy is that full publication payment must accompany the submission of the article. This amount will be credited to the first author’s account maintained by the publisher. If the article is not accepted for publication, the payment will be refunded in full.

Potential contributors should note that the publisher reserves the right not to accept articles that in the Editor-in-Chief’s view extend beyond the scope of the Journal and/or contain material that may jeopardise the quality and reputation of the Journal. Further, the publisher reserves the right to suspend or cancel publication of the Journal due to any unforeseen events or circumstances. In such circumstances, all publication payments held by the publisher will be refunded in full.

All communication will be done electronically. Submissions should be sent via email, and all subsequent communication will also be conducted electronically. Unless otherwise specified, the first-named author will receive the proofs for corrections of typesetting errors. Changes other than typesetting corrections will not be allowed.

Once your article is accepted for publication, our processes are highly efficient and the dedicated WIETE team can ensure that your article is published in approximately 6-8 weeks from the deadline for submissions.

Journal Style

In preparing articles for submission, authors are asked to adhere strictly to the Journal style file and instructions supplied by the publisher to ensure consistency and uniform appearance of the articles. The Journal follows the International System of Units (SI), and the standard UK English spelling. Articles will be fully edited and English corrected to ensure standard English form and expression.

Number illustrations consecutively, i.e. Figure 1, 2, 3, etc, and place the captions underneath the figures. Arrange the numbering of tables as Table 1, 2, 3, etc, and place the captions above the tables. Incorporate both figures and tables within the body of the text.

Maximum length of articles should be six (6) pages, including the title page, and sized A4 (210mm x 297mm). Every submitted article of six (6) or fewer pages will attract a fee of $AUD1000. Each extra page will attract an additional levy of $AUD150. Australian residents must also add GST of 10%. Fees are based on cost recovery for editorial and production. Included within the cost structure is full editing, English-language revision and corrections to final formatting as required.

Font size for body text is Times New Roman 10pt with single line spacing (6 lines per inch). Arrange the article, including text, tables, figures (.jpg preferred), formulae, etc, in one column, with full justification of text in single-line spacing, and one-line spacing between paragraphs.

The title of the article should have just the first word capitalised (along with any proper names). Author(s), affiliation(s), city and country should have a first capital letter with the rest in lower case. No acronyms or abbreviations of the affiliation should be used. Leave one line of space between the author(s) and the affiliation(s). Authors should provide a brief and concise abstract as an overview of the article in not more than 12 lines in the field reserved in the style file.

Body text of the article should be single column with a two-line space between the abstract and Introduction. Consecutive pages must start from the top of the new page with no space left at the top of it. All section headings must be in UPPER CASE, with subsection headings in Title Case. Do not bold section or subsection headings. There should be a one-line space between the heading/subheading and the text.

Authors are asked to include in their articles their short biography (about 250 words) and an electronic version of their passport-sized photograph (.jpg preferred) and as per allocated space.

References should be included in the body of the text, numbered, and with a reference number bracketed. List these at the end of the article in accordance with their sequential number and arranged as follows:


  1. Byron, L., The Internationalisation of Engineering Education. Melbourne: Hogarth, 42-56 (1997).
  2. Jellis, M. and Ballesteros, M.A., The Science of Engineering. In: Orzieri, A.B. and Travers, S.L. (Eds), Science, Engineering and the Future. London: BTG Publishers, 22-98 (1992).



  1. Genovesi, S., The social context of engineering. Global J. of Engng. Educ., 4, 2, 56-65 (1993).


where 4 stands for the volume, 2 for the number, and 56-65 are the relevant pages.

Conference papers

  1. Janus, H., Eddies in the space-time continuum. Proc. Inter. Conf. on Expanded Consciousness, San Francisco, USA, 134-135 (1975).



  1. Carconus, R.G., Collectivism and its impact on the environment (2008), 13 March 2009,


where 13 March 2009 stands for the date the item was accessed.


Editorial Advisory Board




All correspondence should be directed to the WIETE on

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ABN: 50 135 362 319
Last updated: 9 Feb 2025