In preparing their articles, authors should use the journal’s style-file supplied by the publisher to ensure consistency and uniform appearance of the articles included in the Journal.
Submitted articles should not exceed six (6) pages in total, including the title page and must be arranged as A4 size (210mm x 297mm). Every submitted article of six (6) or fewer pages will attract a fee of $AUD1000. Each additional page will attract a page levy of $AUD150. Australian residents must also add 10% GST. The Times New Roman font of 10-pt size on single line spacing (6 lines per inch) should be selected to write the article. The article, including the text, tables, figures, formulae, etc, should be arranged in one column, must be fully justified with the text in single-line spacing, and one-line spacing between paragraphs. Paragraphs should not be indented.
Title, Author(s) and Abstract
The title of the article should have only the first word capitalised (along with any proper names). Author(s), affiliation(s), city and country should use first capital letter and lower case. No acronyms or abbreviations of the affiliation should be used. There is one-line space left between the author(s) and the affiliation(s). Authors should provide a brief and concise abstract with an overview of the article in not more than 10 lines in the field reserved in the style-file.
The Text and Headings
The actual text of the article should be arranged in a single column. There should be a two-line space between the abstract and the first heading of the text. The consecutive pages must start from the top of the new page and there should be no space left at the top of the new page. All section headings must be in UPPER CASE and Title Case must be used for subsection headings. Neither section nor subsection headings should be in bold. There should be a one-line space between the heading/subheading and the text.
Tables, Figures and Captions
Pictures, figures and diagrams should be numbered consecutively (Figure 1, 2, 3, etc) and the captions should be place below the figures. The tables should also be arranged consecutively (Table 1, 2, 3, etc) but the captions should be placed above the tables. The captions should be centred and end with a full stop. Figures and tables ought to be included in the body of the text as far as is possible. However, large-size figures and tables may be arranged at the end of the article.
References should be included in the body of the text and should be numbered with a reference number bracketed. They should be listed at the end of the article in accordance with their sequential number and should be arranged as follows:
- Mocarianis, B.H.,The Quality of Global Engineering and Technology Education. Sydney: Junk Publishers, 233-239 (2009).
- Picolinii, K.Y. and Mocarianis, B.H., Important Issues Engineering and Technology Education. In: Emanualis, T.U. and Kulikokans, J.J. (Eds), Education in the 21st Century. Sydney: Junk Publishers, 233-239 (2009).
- Vilanovis, L.J.,The quality of global engineering education. World J. of Engng. and Technol. Educ., 1, 2, 33-39 (2009).
where 1 stands for the volume, 2 for the number (bold case), and 33-39 are the relevant pages.
Conference papers
- Michalenkos, B.D., Conflicts between engineering teachers. Proc. World Conf. on Technol. and Engng. Educ., Melbourne, Australia, 221-227 (2009).
- Carconus, R.G., Collectivism and its impact on the environment (2008), 13 March 2009, www.coliunus.edu.tt/unises.html
where 13 March 2009 stands for the date the item was accessed.
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Last updated: 17 Nov 2024