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ZJP With the closure of the UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education (UICEE), many members of the global family of engineering education felt there was a prevailing need to fill this gap by establishing the World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE) so that our global effort could continue. Hence, the WIETE was established as a company incorporated in the State of Victoria, Australia. This particular type of entity was chosen for simplicity and clarity in its legal and financial operations, which are governed by the Corporations Act 2001. Although it is an Australian private company, the WIETE does not intend to generate company profits. Based on extensive experience gained earlier in conducting research, development and promotional activities in the international arena, the principal strategy envisaged for the WIETE is to create an independent, interactive and friendly international environment in which academics, industry leaders and members of the global community can freely express their views and develop ideas without prejudice or discrimination.

It is hoped that by acting as a global hub, the WIETE will be conducive to facilitating innovation and best practice in engineering and technology education. During my long involvement in engineering and technology education through such initiatives and ventures as the Electrical Engineering Education Research Group (EEERG) that was based at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE); the International Liaison Group for Engineering Education (ILG-EE); then the UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education (UICEE) and other organisations, it always has been my personal goal and ambition to establish and promote collaboration in the field of engineering and technology education between institutions and organisations in developed and developing countries, and countries in political, social and economic transition. This strategy aims to stimulate, promote and facilitate progress and harmonious development in all countries of the world. I am sure that my distinguished colleagues think likewise and will join me again in this noble endeavour.

I therefore cordially invite you all to join us in this exciting global enterprise by becoming an individual member and/or encouraging your Institution to become a Partner Institution of the WIETE. The present unfortunate state of the global economy may prevent some institutions, especially those in developing nations, from becoming full partners in this new enterprise, but we have decided to offer them complimentary Institutional Partnerships; a decision which will be revised at a future date. Considering this economic situation, and taking into account our stand concerning the protection of the natural environment and promotion of modern communication means, it has been decided that most of the dealings of the WIETE will be done electronically. I wish to mention at this point that in our membership drive several international colleagues will receive a personal invitation to become Honorary or Individual Members of the WIETE. This is based on the recognition of their personal achievements in engineering and technology education, as well as their special status acquired in our earlier operations.

I look forward to receiving your membership application and to our close and fruitful cooperation.

Zenon J. Pudlowski
WIETE Director



Global Journal of Engineering Education (GJEE)

World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE)

Copyright © 2025 World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE),
ABN: 50 135 362 319
Last updated: 19 Jan 2025