
The principal strategy of the WIETE is to create an independent and friendly international environment in which academics, industry leaders and members of the global engineering community can freely express their views and ideas without prejudice or discrimination. Such an environment should be conducive to facilitating innovation and best practice in engineering and technology education.
The WIETE places particular emphasis on the participation of young academic staff in its activities and programmes in order to enhance their knowledge of basic principles of education and recent advances in engineering and technology education. It is envisaged that the WIETE will facilitate the participation of young academics in postgraduate activities and programmes offered by the WIETE’s Partner Institutions by promoting their programmes and recruiting potential participants. A database of potential placements, available scholarships and candidates, will be established and maintained at the WIETE.
In addition, strong emphasis will be placed on the involvement of women in engineering and technology education and, in particular, their important role in engineering and technology faculties, as well as their participation in research and development activities.
Another important strategy for the WIETE is to establish and promote collaboration in the field of engineering and technology education between institutions and organisations in developed and developing countries, and countries in political, social and economic transition. This strategy aims to stimulate, promote and facilitate progress and harmonious development in all countries of the world.