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2nd WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education



  Front cover 0
  Initial pages 1-4
Z.J. Pudlowski Preface 5
A. Kalanidhi Global crisis in engineering education (Opening Address) 6
Z. Nedic, J. Machotka & A. Nafalski Enriching student learning experiences in remote laboratories (Opening Address) 9
D.Q. Nguyen & Z.J. Pudlowski An overview of environmental engineering education in the past decade: a global perspective 15
Á. Rédey, P.K. Burza,
T. Yuzhakova, A. Utasi &
E. Domokos
The experiences with the new higher educational system and the Bologna Process in Hungary 20
J-C. Chang, H-C. Hsiao, S-C. Chen, C-P. Chen, C-M. Chou & C-H. Shen The role of perception of effort-reward in the relationship between team cohesion and innovative work behaviour 23
R. Karim Teaching and learning of fundamentals of mechanics in an innovative way to maximise students’ understanding 29
K. Sritaratorn & S. Sombunsukho Developing a computer instructional package for a multimedia program 35
S. Lertkulvanich & S. Madarasmi Computer animation for fluid simulation of a high viscous fluid melting 38
O. Petchurai, S. Sombunsukho,
C. Nanthawong, T. Atanan,
S. Wechsopon & Y. Atanan
Developing on-line information systems for searching digital media 43
S. Lertkulvanich, C. Tungpantong & W. Chanthapan Development of Computer-Assisted Instruction for an electrical circuit course 46
S. Thatcher, P.Y. Lui & C.K. Kwan Does a student’s expectation of a high pass mark affect their raw mark? 49
S-H. Chang, A-C. Ku & L-C. Yu Analysing practical skills of vocational school students in metacognition - a case study of an electronic practical course in Taiwan 53
A.R.N. Molson Innovation in engineering and technological education: a judgmental application for an activity or a group of activities based on cost of model/location cost factoring 58
D. Rihtaršič, G. Šantej &
S. Kocijancic
Promoting engineering studies through summer camps of electronics and robotics 64
G.C. Kabouridis & G.S. Kakarelidis Academic leadership in Greek higher educational institutions under economic and social crisis 70
J. Machotka, Z. Nedic & A. Nafalski Building international capability through on-line collaboration 77

Index of Authors 83




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Last updated: 10 January 2011, Website designed and maintained by Dianne Q. Nguyen